var/classes/definition_Car.php line 1519

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  1. <?php
  2. /**
  3. * Inheritance: yes
  4. * Variants: no
  5. Fields Summary:
  6. - name [input]
  7. - country [input]
  8. - series [input]
  9. - manufacturer [manyToOneRelation]
  10. - description [wysiwyg]
  11. - bodyStyle [manyToOneRelation]
  12. - carClass [select]
  13. - productionYear [numeric]
  14. - color [multiselect]
  15. - categories [manyToManyObjectRelation]
  16. - forWho [wysiwyg]
  17. - why [wysiwyg]
  18. - howItWorks [wysiwyg]
  19. - howToUse [wysiwyg]
  20. - frequerence [wysiwyg]
  21. - usageLinkPdf [wysiwyg]
  22. - gallery [imageGallery]
  23. - genericImages [imageGallery]
  24. - videos [video]
  25. - Epop [imageGallery]
  26. - createdReason [wysiwyg]
  27. - createdStory [wysiwyg]
  28. - experimentalResults [wysiwyg]
  29. - statistics [wysiwyg]
  30. - internationalQuality [wysiwyg]
  31. - source [wysiwyg]
  32. - relatedNews [wysiwyg]
  33. - emotionalLinkPdf [wysiwyg]
  34. - visual [wysiwyg]
  35. - verbal [wysiwyg]
  36. - henTulhuuBorluulah [select]
  37. - substitude [manyToManyObjectRelation]
  38. - substitudeText [wysiwyg]
  39. - upSell [manyToManyObjectRelation]
  40. - upSellText [wysiwyg]
  41. - crossSell [manyToManyObjectRelation]
  42. - crossSellText [wysiwyg]
  43. - dagaldahBaraa [manyToManyObjectRelation]
  44. - dagaldahBaraaText [wysiwyg]
  45. - heregleeniiUneTsene [wysiwyg]
  46. - davuuTal [wysiwyg]
  47. - sulTal [textarea]
  48. - ersdel [textarea]
  49. - salesLinkPdf [wysiwyg]
  50. - ReadyToPublish1 [select]
  51. - attributes [objectbricks]
  52. - saleInformation [objectbricks]
  53. - location [geopoint]
  54. - localizedfields [localizedfields]
  55. -- textsAvailable [calculatedValue]
  56. - attributesAvailable [calculatedValue]
  57. - saleInformationAvailable [calculatedValue]
  58. - imagesAvailable [calculatedValue]
  59. - objectType [select]
  60. - urlSlug [urlSlug]
  61. */
  62. return Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition::__set_state(array(
  63.    'id' => 'CAR',
  64.    'name' => 'Car',
  65.    'description' => '',
  66.    'creationDate' => 0,
  67.    'modificationDate' => 1717858566,
  68.    'userOwner' => 2,
  69.    'userModification' => 7,
  70.    'parentClass' => '\\App\\Model\\Product\\AbstractProduct',
  71.    'implementsInterfaces' => '',
  72.    'listingParentClass' => '',
  73.    'useTraits' => '',
  74.    'listingUseTraits' => '',
  75.    'encryption' => false,
  76.    'encryptedTables' => 
  77.   array (
  78.   ),
  79.    'allowInherit' => true,
  80.    'allowVariants' => false,
  81.    'showVariants' => false,
  82.    'fieldDefinitions' => 
  83.   array (
  84.   ),
  85.    'layoutDefinitions' => 
  86.   Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Layout\Panel::__set_state(array(
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  102.     array (
  103.       => 
  104.       Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Layout\Tabpanel::__set_state(array(
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  120.         array (
  121.           => 
  122.           Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Layout\Panel::__set_state(array(
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  126.              'name' => 'Basedata',
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  129.              'title' => 'Хэрэглээний мэдээлэл',
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  138.             array (
  139.               => 
  140.               Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\Input::__set_state(array(
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  148.                  'name' => 'name',
  149.                  'title' => 'Нэр',
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  163.                 array (
  164.                   => 'id',
  165.                   => 'key',
  166.                   => 'path',
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  168.                   => 'index',
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  170.                   => 'creationdate',
  171.                   => 'userowner',
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  209.                 ),
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  211.                 array (
  212.                 ),
  213.                  'defaultValueGenerator' => '',
  214.               )),
  215.               => 
  216.               Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\Input::__set_state(array(
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  224.                  'name' => 'country',
  225.                  'title' => 'Дотоод код',
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  237.                  'visibleSearch' => true,
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  239.                 array (
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  241.                   => 'key',
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  243.                   => 'type',
  244.                   => 'index',
  245.                   => 'classname',
  246.                   => 'creationdate',
  247.                   => 'userowner',
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  250.                   10 => 'list',
  251.                   11 => 'fullpath',
  252.                   12 => 'childs',
  253.                   13 => 'values',
  254.                   14 => 'cachetag',
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  270.                   30 => 'childamount',
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  274.                   34 => 'definition',
  275.                   35 => 'locked',
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  285.                 ),
  286.                  'blockedVarsForExport' => 
  287.                 array (
  288.                 ),
  289.                  'defaultValueGenerator' => '',
  290.               )),
  291.               => 
  292.               Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\Input::__set_state(array(
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  297.                  'regex' => '',
  298.                  'unique' => false,
  299.                  'showCharCount' => false,
  300.                  'name' => 'series',
  301.                  'title' => 'Нэр',
  302.                  'tooltip' => '',
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  307.                  'style' => '',
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  313.                  'visibleSearch' => true,
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  315.                 array (
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  317.                   => 'key',
  318.                   => 'path',
  319.                   => 'type',
  320.                   => 'index',
  321.                   => 'classname',
  322.                   => 'creationdate',
  323.                   => 'userowner',
  324.                   => 'value',
  325.                   => 'class',
  326.                   10 => 'list',
  327.                   11 => 'fullpath',
  328.                   12 => 'childs',
  329.                   13 => 'values',
  330.                   14 => 'cachetag',
  331.                   15 => 'cachetags',
  332.                   16 => 'parent',
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  340.                   24 => 'bypath',
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  342.                   26 => 'versions',
  343.                   27 => 'properties',
  344.                   28 => 'permissions',
  345.                   29 => 'permissionsforuser',
  346.                   30 => 'childamount',
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  348.                   32 => 'resource',
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  350.                   34 => 'definition',
  351.                   35 => 'locked',
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  358.                   42 => 'parentid',
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  360.                   44 => 'scheduledtasks',
  361.                 ),
  362.                  'blockedVarsForExport' => 
  363.                 array (
  364.                 ),
  365.                  'defaultValueGenerator' => '',
  366.               )),
  367.               => 
  368.               Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\ManyToOneRelation::__set_state(array(
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  371.                  'assetUploadPath' => '',
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  376.                 array (
  377.                 ),
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  380.                 array (
  381.                 ),
  382.                  'classes' => 
  383.                 array (
  384.                   => 
  385.                   array (
  386.                     'classes' => 'Manufacturer',
  387.                   ),
  388.                 ),
  389.                  'pathFormatterClass' => '',
  390.                  'name' => 'manufacturer',
  391.                  'title' => 'Бренд',
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  404.                 array (
  405.                   => 'id',
  406.                   => 'key',
  407.                   => 'path',
  408.                   => 'type',
  409.                   => 'index',
  410.                   => 'classname',
  411.                   => 'creationdate',
  412.                   => 'userowner',
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  415.                   10 => 'list',
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  417.                   12 => 'childs',
  418.                   13 => 'values',
  419.                   14 => 'cachetag',
  420.                   15 => 'cachetags',
  421.                   16 => 'parent',
  422.                   17 => 'published',
  423.                   18 => 'valuefromparent',
  424.                   19 => 'userpermissions',
  425.                   20 => 'dependencies',
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  427.                   22 => 'usermodification',
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  429.                   24 => 'bypath',
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  436.                   31 => 'apipluginbroker',
  437.                   32 => 'resource',
  438.                   33 => 'parentClass',
  439.                   34 => 'definition',
  440.                   35 => 'locked',
  441.                   36 => 'language',
  442.                   37 => 'omitmandatorycheck',
  443.                   38 => 'idpath',
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  445.                   40 => 'fieldname',
  446.                   41 => 'property',
  447.                   42 => 'parentid',
  448.                   43 => 'children',
  449.                   44 => 'scheduledtasks',
  450.                 ),
  451.                  'blockedVarsForExport' => 
  452.                 array (
  453.                 ),
  454.               )),
  455.               => 
  456.               Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\Wysiwyg::__set_state(array(
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  464.                  'title' => 'Description',
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  474.                  'invisible' => true,
  475.                  'visibleGridView' => false,
  476.                  'visibleSearch' => false,
  477.                  'forbiddenNames' => 
  478.                 array (
  479.                   => 'id',
  480.                   => 'key',
  481.                   => 'path',
  482.                   => 'type',
  483.                   => 'index',
  484.                   => 'classname',
  485.                   => 'creationdate',
  486.                   => 'userowner',
  487.                   => 'value',
  488.                   => 'class',
  489.                   10 => 'list',
  490.                   11 => 'fullpath',
  491.                   12 => 'childs',
  492.                   13 => 'values',
  493.                   14 => 'cachetag',
  494.                   15 => 'cachetags',
  495.                   16 => 'parent',
  496.                   17 => 'published',
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  539.                 ),
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  615.                 ),
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  646.                   ),
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  650.                     'value' => 'Executive car',
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  753.                 ),
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  832.                 ),
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  967.                 ),
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  988.                   ),
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  1066.                  'tooltip' => 'Машины аль хэсэгт зориулагдсан
  1067. / тодорхой заасан эд анги - кроп, хөдөлгүүр, гидр, дугуй; хэсэг - салон, багаж,  /
  1068. Хэрэглэх зориулалт, шаардлагаар 
  1069. / хөдөө, урьчилан сэргийлэх, хамгаалах, эвдрэл-засварт, арчилах, DIY, аль нэг улиралдз зориулсан /
  1070. Машины үндсэн үзүүлэлтээр / ямар машинд зориулагдсан /
  1071. / нийт гүйлт, бензиний төрөл, хөдөлгүүрийн багтаамж, он, үйлдвэрлэгч /',
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  1220. Хэрэглэсний дараа гарах үр дүн талаас бичнэ',
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  1295. Санамж, анхаарах зүйл',
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  4608.                       => 'creationdate',
  4609.                       => 'userowner',
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  4633.                       31 => 'apipluginbroker',
  4634.                       32 => 'resource',
  4635.                       33 => 'parentClass',
  4636.                       34 => 'definition',
  4637.                       35 => 'locked',
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  4639.                       37 => 'omitmandatorycheck',
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  4646.                       44 => 'scheduledtasks',
  4647.                     ),
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  4649.                     array (
  4650.                     ),
  4651.                   )),
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  4653.                   Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\CalculatedValue::__set_state(array(
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  4659.                      'calculatorClass' => '@App\\Model\\Product\\CalculatedValue\\QualityCalculator',
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  4661.                      'name' => 'imagesAvailable',
  4662.                      'title' => 'Images Available',
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  4674.                      'visibleSearch' => false,
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  4676.                     array (
  4677.                       => 'id',
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  4722.                     ),
  4723.                      'blockedVarsForExport' => 
  4724.                     array (
  4725.                     ),
  4726.                   )),
  4727.                 ),
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  4740.             ),
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  4744.           )),
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  4762.             array (
  4763.               => 
  4764.               Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Layout\Text::__set_state(array(
  4765.                  'fieldtype' => 'text',
  4766.                  'html' => '<div class="alert alert-info">
  4767. Define type of Car object to manage, which elements should be visible in shop and which are only helper objects to take advantage of data inheritance.
  4768. <ul>
  4769. <li><strong>actual-car</strong>: Actual cars that should be visible in shop. </li>
  4770. <li><strong>virtual-car</strong>: Virtual objects that are only helper objects for setting up data inheritance. Will not be visible in shop.</li></ul></div>',
  4771.                  'renderingClass' => '',
  4772.                  'renderingData' => '',
  4773.                  'border' => false,
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  4785.                  'childs' => 
  4786.                 array (
  4787.                 ),
  4788.                  'locked' => false,
  4789.                  'blockedVarsForExport' => 
  4790.                 array (
  4791.                 ),
  4792.               )),
  4793.               => 
  4794.               Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\Select::__set_state(array(
  4795.                  'fieldtype' => 'select',
  4796.                  'options' => 
  4797.                 array (
  4798.                   => 
  4799.                   array (
  4800.                     'key' => 'Actual-Car',
  4801.                     'value' => 'actual-car',
  4802.                   ),
  4803.                   => 
  4804.                   array (
  4805.                     'key' => 'Virtual-Car',
  4806.                     'value' => 'virtual-car',
  4807.                   ),
  4808.                 ),
  4809.                  'width' => 300,
  4810.                  'defaultValue' => 'actual-car',
  4811.                  'optionsProviderClass' => '',
  4812.                  'optionsProviderData' => '',
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  4814.                  'dynamicOptions' => false,
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  4816.                  'title' => 'Object Type',
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  4830.                 array (
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  4849.                   18 => 'valuefromparent',
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  4852.                   21 => 'modificationdate',
  4853.                   22 => 'usermodification',
  4854.                   23 => 'byid',
  4855.                   24 => 'bypath',
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  4858.                   27 => 'properties',
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  4875.                   44 => 'scheduledtasks',
  4876.                 ),
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  4878.                 array (
  4879.                 ),
  4880.                  'defaultValueGenerator' => '',
  4881.               )),
  4882.               => 
  4883.               Pimcore\Model\DataObject\ClassDefinition\Data\UrlSlug::__set_state(array(
  4884.                  'fieldtype' => 'urlSlug',
  4885.                  'width' => '',
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  4887.                  'action' => 'App\\Controller\\ProductController:productDetailSlugAction',
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  4889.                 array (
  4890.                 ),
  4891.                  'name' => 'urlSlug',
  4892.                  'title' => 'UrlSlug',
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  4906.                 array (
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  4909.                   => 'path',
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  4911.                   => 'index',
  4912.                   => 'classname',
  4913.                   => 'creationdate',
  4914.                   => 'userowner',
  4915.                   => 'value',
  4916.                   => 'class',
  4917.                   10 => 'list',
  4918.                   11 => 'fullpath',
  4919.                   12 => 'childs',
  4920.                   13 => 'values',
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  4922.                   15 => 'cachetags',
  4923.                   16 => 'parent',
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  4926.                   19 => 'userpermissions',
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  4939.                   32 => 'resource',
  4940.                   33 => 'parentClass',
  4941.                   34 => 'definition',
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  4948.                   41 => 'property',
  4949.                   42 => 'parentid',
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  4951.                   44 => 'scheduledtasks',
  4952.                 ),
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  4954.                 array (
  4955.                 ),
  4956.               )),
  4957.             ),
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  4961.             ),
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  4965.           )),
  4966.         ),
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  4970.         ),
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  4976.     ),
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  4980.   )),
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  4988.   array (
  4989.   ),
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  5002.     ),
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  5009.       'modificationDate' => false,
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  5016.   array (
  5017.   ),
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